| LogOX

Meet America's Favorite Forestry Tool!

We've been incredibly excited and humbled to hear from so many folks what a big difference the LogOX has made for them! Combining a back-saving Log Hauler, Cant Hook, and Timberjack into one compact MultiTool is a real game changer! Here are some of the great LogOX review videos on YouTube (including one of our own).

Life In Farmland

Off Grid With Doug and Stacy

Tarus Kul a.ka. The Crazy Russian Hacker

Swedish Homestead

Stoney Ridge Farmer

Alderman Farms (Part 1)

Alderman Farms (Part 2)

Deadwood Revival Sawmill review.

Our HodgePodge Homestead

LogOX Co-Founder Austin Roberts demonstrating the LogOX on Grit Magazine's Live Show in 2017.

We really appreciate it when folks take the time to make/post videos on YouTube and leave their reviews. If you make one of your own, please send us a link, and we may feature it on our page and social media.


