Reviews the LogOX

The LogOX was recently hailed as, "one of the most innovative firewood tools on the market today," after extensive field testing by  

A key part of growing any business is to reach new audiences and demonstrate the value of your product and/or services to potential customers. We recently contacted a website that specializes in providing information to its readers on all things firewood related, and asked if they would be interested in field testing the LogOX for a product review.  Below are some excerpts from the review, and you can read it in its entirety here.

Disclaimer: We provided a free sample LogOX to the owners of this website to test out. The conclusions written in this review based on their field testing are entirely their own, without any input or further compensation from us. 

On using the LogOX as a Hauler:

"By using the LogOX as a Log Hauler it virtually eliminates the need to bend over and pick up a log.  At first I was a little skeptical since I assumed the tool would slip off the log and create more effort than just picking it up by hand. However, I was wrong and very impressed with just how easy the tool was to use!  The sharp chisel base and hook bites really well into the log with virtually zero slippage.  I used it on a variety of different shapes and sizes, even small split pieces of firewood and it was amazing just how well it "grabbed" the wood."

Using the LogOX as a cant hook:

"The last time I used an off brand Cant Hook with a metal handle I actually bent the handle when I attempted to roll the log over.  Since wooden handled Cant Hooks can cost up to $100 I just couldn't justify spending that much money on a single tool. As a 3-in-1 multitool the LogOX is extremely durable and affordable. Plus, after rolling some really big logs, the handle is perfectly straight and has not bent!"

After adding the Timberjack attachment:

"The LogOX has once again exceeded my expectations as a quality forestry tool.  The Timberjack function is strong, stable and effective.  It's 38" length is small enough to use in the woods, yet stable enough to roll the logs up and off the ground. Plus, the bright orange color of the unit makes it easy to locate and not loose!"

Final Verdict on the LogOX:

"Overall with my LogOX review I am very impressed with the quality, craftsmanship and use of the LogOX.  Made in the USA and backed by lifetime warranty from defects, the 3-in-1 multitool is a great investment for someone looking to make cutting and moving firewood easier, while saving your back in the process."

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